written by reagan


"Well, that was a bit stupid of you," said Ginny angrily, "seeing as you don’t know anyone but me who’s been possessed by You-Know-Who."


NAME: ginevra molly weasley
NICKNAMES: ginny / gin
BIRTH DATE: 08 / 11 / 1981
AGE: 17 - late 20s.
GENDER: female (she/her)
ORIENTATION: bisexual.
HOUSE: gryffindor.
OCCUPATION: student, professional quidditch player.


EYE COLOR: bright brown.
HAIR COLOR: bright, fiery red.
HEIGHT: five foot two inches.
BUILD: very thin and petite. toned from training for quidditch.
SKIN: quite pale. when she's flustered, her skin can turn bright red.
SKIN MARKINGS: very noticeable freckles across her face & chest.
NOTEWORTHY TRAITS: she's quite beautiful, drawing the attention of many admirers during her time at hogwarts. " even you think she's good-looking, don't you blaise, and we all know how hard you are to please! "
FACE CLAIM(S): luca hollestelle / cintia dicker.


ALIGNMENT: chaotic good.
ENNEAGRAM: type eight.
POSITIVES: strong willed. fiercely independent. energetic. opinionated. quick-witted. governed by ration, not emotion. tough. isn't afraid to stand up to anyone, even those much bigger & far more powerful than she is. determined. difficult to intimidate / frighten. courageous.
NEGATIVES: resists being told what to do. will break rules to do what she thinks is right. sarcastic. can appear unemotional. excellent liar. deceiver. tends to be harsh towards those she doesn't like, or even those not in her 'inner circle.' fiery temper / easy to anger. takes special pleasure in pissing off her brothers. always has a hex in her back pocket for an enemy.


MOTHER: molly weasley.
FATHER: arthur weasley.
SIBLINGS, in order: william (bill), charles (charlie), percy, fred & george, ronald (ron).
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: verse dependent.
PETS: arnold (purple pygmy puff)


BORN: august 11th, 1981.
NOTABLE INFO ABOUT BIRTH: ginny was the first female born to the weasley family in many generations. she has six older brothers & was arthur & molly's final child.
CHILDHOOD: growing up with all brothers made ginny very tough & quick-witted. her brothers never allowed her to play quidditch with them, but she practiced in secret anyway. s
HOGWARTS: sorted into gryffindor. was painfully shy throughout most of her first year at hogwarts, partially because she was embarrassed to have second-hand items only & partially because she harbored a massive crush on her brother's best friend, harry potter.
CHAMBER OF SECRETS: voldemort utilized his childhood diary to manipulate and abuse ginny. as she wrote in the diary, confessing her fears and great sadness over having trouble making friends, tom riddle fed on her anxieties. he began to draw his power from her sadness & was thus able to possess her. ginny lost hours at a time, with tom riddle attacking creatures / other students throughout hogwarts. ultimately, tom used ginny to open the chamber of secrets. she very nearly died as a result of this possession.
THE AFTERMATH: after her possession, ginny because determined to never allow herself to feel quiet so weak and vulnerable. after immediately throwing out all forms of journal or diaries, she set about strengthening her own mind. she became impossibly strong-willed and determined; refused to let others walk over her or take advantage of her. she often struggled to sleep, memories of voldemort's possession keeping her awake late into the night, but she put on a brave face & very few noticed. a part of ginny was angry that no one noticed she was losing control during her first year - almost all of her brothers were at hogwarts, yet no one questioned her behavior. she rarely talks about the bitterness she harbors over this, but it's an ever-present thought in the back of her mind.
SECOND WIZARDING WAR: ginny is almost impossible to intimidate, & thus participated in multiples battles. first, she was present for the battle at the ministry of magic. she stood up to multiple death eaters & proved herself to be quite adept with magic. despite being underaged, ginny also actively participated in the battle at hogwarts. she even went face-to-face with famed death eater, bellatrix lestrange. ginny proved during the war that she's not afraid to use unforgivable curses on those she deems deserving.
AFTER THE WAR: ginny returned to hogwarts for another two years, redoing her sixth year & completing her seventh. she then went on to play professional quidditch for an all-female team. she's a talented chaser & keeper, and is well-known for her athletic abilities. in her late twenties, forced into retirement due to an injury, she becomes the head sports editor for the daily prophet, eventually becoming the head editor for the prophet altogether.
CANON DIVERGENCE: although I will occasionally dabble in epilogue / cc - compliant threads, this blog as a whole is not canon compliant. ginny does harbor a crush on harry during her younger years, and they do date briefly, but ultimately their life goals are not the same. ginny has no desire to settle down and start having kids right after finishing her schooling, as she feels she has far more to accomplish with her career. ultimately, this difference of goals is what drives harry & ginny to end their relationship.



penned by reagan. late 20s, she/her pronouns, usa. please understand tumblr is not my priority, so you may see varying degrees of activity. not only do i have a full-time job, but i’m a clothing stylist on the side + i’m in the process of earning my mba in finance. I do try to keep my blog running on a queue, so you may see fresh content on the dash but not receive a response via tumblr messages. I am not ignoring you; i’m just not actually around at the moment. I promise i will respond the moment i have the chance.


because my time on tumblr is pretty limited, I prefer to keep this blog as private as possible. I want to build relationships that are multi-layered and dynamic, rather than engage in a multitude of superficial threads. however, all of this being said, if you choose to follow me, i will absolutely & without a doubt check out your blog. it may take a few days for me to do so, but i promise i’ll look through your rules, muses, etc. If i don’t follow back, please do not take offense. It’s most likely because I don't know enough about your fandom. however, if I do follow you back, please take this as a sign i want to write with you. I don’t believe in following for the sake of following.


this blog is multi-muse + single muse + original character - friendly. as someone who often struggles to really flesh out an original character, i am perpetually mesmerized by those who can. I love to create new worlds, explore alternate universes, and even push the limits of my canon muse’s characterization alongside others. if we are mutuals, please, please feel free to toss your character my way at any time. there’s nothing i love more than a random starter or a meme tossed into my inbox.


as i have previously mentioned, i am in my late twenties. this means there will be nsfw topics on this blog, including (but not limited to) sex, drugs, alcohol, murderous activities. I love to explore all aspects of my muse’s personality + that’s exactly what i intend to do on this blog. so, when I check out a new follower, the very first detail i look for is your age. If i see that you’re underage, or if you don’t have an age listed, i will not follow and soft block. I promise it’s nothing overtly personal.


although i don’t have any triggers, i do my best to be as respectful as possible when posting content onto the dash. all triggers will be tagged as trigger //. if i accidentally miss a topic that is triggering for you, please don’t hesitate to shoot me a message and let me know. side note: i do struggle with duplicate anxiety when it comes to ginny. for this reason, i most likely won’t be following anyone who writes her on a single muse blog. it’s absolutely nothing personal; it’s simply for my own comfort on this blog.


you are always welcome to throw random starters in my tag, but i’ve discovered my muse tends to thrive in plotted dynamics. once we have a rough outline of a plot for our characters, please feel free to toss any & all starters my way! I have a tendency to become overly engaged in my plots, dynamics, ships, etc., so I welcome alllllll the unexpected starters. I think of them as unexpected presents that make my day! just please remember that threads for plotted dynamics seem to spark my muse more easily / readily, so these threads will receive replies more quickly.


please do not steal anything from this blog. this includes my writing, headcanons, meta posts, and graphics. as for my graphics, absolutely all graphics used on this blog (including icons, dash icon, dash header, theme graphics, & promo) were made by venuscommissions. I highly, highly recommend her for all of your graphic needs!!! she's absolutely amazing & creates the most beautiful work!